Thursday, June 30, 2011

Beach Camp Day 4 1:58 PM

It's our last day at camp. Whew! it went fast. We board the busses again tonight, not looking forward to that. Everyone was extremely tired last night. Had a really hard time getting them up for eggs and bacon. As a matter of fact, most did not get up. Giddy-Up started at 9:00. Ask your student about the Humpty dump song. It's amazing at the amount of energy they can expend while singing nursery rhymes. Matt preached about forgiveness and restoration this morning. Using Peter as his example. He explained that it must have been very awkward for Peter that morning on the beach when Jesus had them catch the fish and they ate together for the first time after Peter's denial and Jesus's resurrection, but Jesus restored him, and he went on to do great things for Him. We missed a lot of the recreation time this morning trying to get our group picture and get the t-shirts passed out (What is camp without a t-shirt.) The kids were very disappointed that they missed out on getting covered with vanilla pudding on the beach. As I understand it, Sarah Shirley jumped right in. I wish I had been there with the camera. Our student's helped with lunch again today. Once again they volunteered and jumped right in to help. I'm really proud of them. Right at the moment they are enjoying the beach and sun for the last day. I guess I had better get down there and see if I can get a few more pictures. I got pictures for yesterday uploaded late last night. There is also an album for today.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Beach Camp Day3 5:12 PM

Hey from Sunny Florida. It has been a beautiful clear day in spite of the forecast predicting a 91 percent chance of rain. I think everyone has had a great time today. Matt spoke in Giddy up time. He spoke from Exodus Chapter 33 and he talked about God going with the nation of Israel. He told the students that God would also go with them. After that students went to small group time where the leaders led discussions related to Matt's talk. Then it was Recreation Time on the beach. The students competed in two different types of relay races. On one, a student would sit on a sheet and two other students would drag them around the cones on the beach. Then they would run and hit a trash can, jump in a pool, run around the next marker and run back. It made me tired just watching them. The other they had to put an inner tube, sombrero and ride a stick horse and jump over a hula hoop, go around another hula hoop, then go through another hula hoop. Then they would jump in a kiddie pool round a marker and head back to the line. It was pretty entertaining, but I'm not sure I would have made it. Students are amazing and they have great endurance. After lunch, some went to the beach, and others rode the trolley to Alvins Super Beach Store for an hour. Jase is taking the graduated seniors and exchange students to supper tonight. Once again I apologize for not having many pictures today. The internet is still down, and I can't get them to restart it. As soon as they do, I'll get them up.

Beach Camp Day 3 1:24 PM

Hey folks sorry for the late posting. This is going to be short. I'm about to take a group of Jr. Boys to town for a little bit, so I'll post later. I apologize for the lack of pictures today. The internet is down at the camp right now, and this is the best I can do. I appreciate your patience.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Beach Camp Day 2 10:26 PM


Well we are wrapping up Day 2 of Beach Camp. I think everyone is having a good time. I know they are loving being in the ocean. It is a little rough. We have had a few scrapes and bumps and face plants thanks to the waves, but they just jump up and run right back in. Did I mention that I'm thankful for the lifeguards pictured above. They haven't had to pull anyone out so far, but it is reassuring to know they are here. The students enjoyed their free time this afternoon in the gulf, pools, and basketball courts. Our students had to serve lunch and clean up the dining room today. We had plenty of volunteers. It's nice to see them volunteer without having to be told. Several of our students gave their seats up during the worship service, so that ladies could have a seat. It came another rain this evening right before worship. What I wouldn't give to see this in Seminole. The Rec. Team from FBC Lubbock gave out some spirit awards tonight. Our students were on at least two of the teams that won awards.
Matt preached from Matthew 26:36-38 about loving Christ with all your heart, all your mind and all your soul. He told us that we all have many things that we love, but he reminded us that God is to be our first and true love. He told us that some of us just want to give God the time we have left over, when He should get our first and best. He told them that all of our earthly relationships will one day end, but our relationship with God will last forever, so we should work on it harder than anything else. Jase continued in the same spirit during our church time on the beach. He challenged our students to not just get a quick shot of God, but to have a long and deep relationship with Him.
It has been another good day at camp. Mason is feeling much better. He even got in the ocean this afternoon. We hope that he is on the mend, and will have no further problems while we are here. I hope you aren't having a hard time wading through all the pictures. I'm trying to get everyone. I think the kids are tired of seeing me with the camera all the time. They are starting to run when they see me coming, so I may have to slow down a little.

Beach Camp Day2 1:35 PM

Rain stopped late this morning. It was really great to see what rain looks and feels like again.
Students had a great time on the beach. The Rec. Team had them do two different races. In one, they had to put a rubber squid on their head and some giant flip flops and run an obstacle course
The other group ran a race down the beach with a ball between their knees and had to hop in a pool,where Raylee was attacked by a plastic fish, thankfully he survived, then they had to run back to the group and give the ball to the next person in line. Had a good lunch, and now the students are enjoying free time on the beach. The camp hired lifeguards, so I won't be a nervous wreck the whole time the students are in the ocean. More pictures coming in a little bit.

Beach Camp Day 2

9:56 AM Good Morning from rainy Florida. Yes we are getting to experience pouring rain this morning. Just doesn't have the same wonderful smell it does at home. Students all went to breakfast and got soaked. Breakfast was bacon, eggs and biscuits. After breakfast off to Giddy-up time. This is a time that students get to have fun and do a lot of the fun game type songs. They really get into it. Students then have a small group time. Now we are on our way to the beach for recreation. There is a rec. crew from Lubbock here, so it should be really interesting

Monday, June 27, 2011

Beach Camp Day 1

Good Morning from Hattiesburg Mississippi. We have had an interesting trip so far. Had a little Air Conditioning problem on one of our busses that delayed us for a little bit in Dallas. We ended up with a new bus that held more people, so they got to spread out. Everyone is cool and got some rest. Our great drivers seem to have made up the time during the night. We were awakened this morning about 6:00 AM to a rousing rendition of the Star Spangled Banner and Hallelujah Chorus. They have been promised by retribution later this week. We stopped and invaded a McDonalds in Hattiesburg. They were very friendly and got us back on the road in record time. We are all marveling at the green grass and trees on the side of the road. We are seeing clouds in the sky as well. Maybe we can bring some of it home with us. Jase tells me that we are only 4 hours away. We'll write more when we get there. Please continue to pray for travel protection and great things to happen in camp.

4:39 PM Yea!!! We arrived safely and without further problems about 2:30 PM. Matt, Alex and Madison arrived about the same time we did. It is very hot, humid and just generally sticky here, so you can imagine the first thing our students wanted to do was get in the water. Most all of them have been in the ocean. I think everyone has a place to sleep, so I guess we are good to go. We have a church meeting at 5:00 PM and Supper at 6:00. Our first worship service will begin after that. I can't wait to hear the messages that Matt has to bring this year. It just gets better and better.

10:17 PM We had an enjoyable meal of fried chicken for supper. It was followed by a little bit of recreation. Students had to get with students from other churches and wrap someone in their group from head to toe in toliet paper. It was very entertaining. I believe Sarah Thompson was the winning mummy. Students then went to the worship center for evening worship. Music was lead by the worship leader from Chorpus Christi.

Matt brought the message from Exodus Chapter 20. He preached on having no other gods before the Lord God. He asked the students if God was absolutely first in their lives and he warned them not to let dating turn them away from God He encouraged them to always have a passionate love for God. That was followed by Church Time on the beach. There is a storm growing out over the gulf. It is absolutely beautiful to hear the waves crashing on the beach while watching the lightning flash in the distance. It will be wonderful if we get to hear the sound of rain tonight.

Most of the pictures tonight are from the bus trip.