Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Camp Extreme

It looks like they are having a great time at Camp Extreme. They do not have cell service or internet but one of the sponsors drives up out of camp to send some pictures and they wanted to share these with you.

On Monday night, Jase wrote, "Nothing better than being with 547 Pre-Teen Campsers, 4th-6th graders worshipping at Camp Xtreme!"

Please continue to pray for our students and sponsors this week!

Monday, July 2, 2012

Children's Camp

13 children and 5 sponsors left yesterday for Young Explorers Camp in Floydada at Plains Baptist Camp. They do not have cell service or internet. Jase drove up out of camp to the road and sent these pictures by his phone to me last night so we could share. It looks like they are having a great time. Please pray for the children as they learn more about Christ this week.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Thursday at Camp

We spent our day at Fiesta Texas in San Antonio!!! We had a great time! We rode rides, played in the water, laughed and screamed together!

We came back to camp for worship this evening. We studied Genesis 22 about Abraham and Isaac. We were challenged to act obediently to God daily.

Thank you for your prayers this week! We will be traveling home tomorrow!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Wednesday at Camp

Wow, what an incredible day we have had! Students worked really hard this morning at camp. The pictures (slideshow on the right) tell the story. Students were truly servants this week.

We tubed in San Marcos today and had a wonderful time. It was so much fun to watch the students go down the shoots into the rapids!

Tonight, we had a sweet time of worship. We were challenged to take up the cross daily in our lives and finishing well in our walk with Christ. We sang, "In Christ Alone"; I pray that all of us truly begin to grasp that our lives should be lived only for Him.

Tomorrow, we will be going to spend the day at Fiesta, Texas in San Antonio.

Please continue to pray for everyone here..........God is working on hearts this week!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Youth Camp 2012

We arrived at Quest Ranch in Canyon Lake on Monday evening. We unpacked and had a wonderful dinner. Todd and Jase led us in worship. We studied John 7: 37-38 about being thirsty for living water. Please pray that our students thirst for Christ in every day of their lives!

We studied Ephesians 5:8-17 this morning during our quiet time. These verses challenged us to walk in the light. The rest of our morning was filled with mission work for camp. We divided into 3 teams. One team built frames for a porch for one of the cabins. One team hauled rocks for a waterfall and the other worked on "landscaping" (digging gravel and moving cross ties).  The students worked really hard and had a wonderful attitude the whole time.

We spent the afternoon tubing down the Guadalupe River. The water was soooooooo cold but we had a great time!!!

Our evening was filled with worship and then s'mores...........yummy!

We will post more tomorrow. Thank you so much for praying for us this week!