Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Youth Camp 2012

We arrived at Quest Ranch in Canyon Lake on Monday evening. We unpacked and had a wonderful dinner. Todd and Jase led us in worship. We studied John 7: 37-38 about being thirsty for living water. Please pray that our students thirst for Christ in every day of their lives!

We studied Ephesians 5:8-17 this morning during our quiet time. These verses challenged us to walk in the light. The rest of our morning was filled with mission work for camp. We divided into 3 teams. One team built frames for a porch for one of the cabins. One team hauled rocks for a waterfall and the other worked on "landscaping" (digging gravel and moving cross ties).  The students worked really hard and had a wonderful attitude the whole time.

We spent the afternoon tubing down the Guadalupe River. The water was soooooooo cold but we had a great time!!!

Our evening was filled with worship and then s'mores...........yummy!

We will post more tomorrow. Thank you so much for praying for us this week!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the update. We are praying God reveals Himself to our students in mighty ways this week. Stay safe, and we can't wait to hear all about it. Give my girls hugs and kisses, please!
